Become a Corporate Sponsor


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Yorktown Boys Lacrosse is a registered 501(c)(3). Donations support our VHSL 6A State Champions.

Sponsors will be listed on our website and in future mulch emails.

Please send image files to to be added to the website and program.

If you prefer to send a check donation, please make checks payable to “Yorktown Lacrosse Boosters, Inc”. They can be sent to:

Yorktown Boys Lacrosse Boosters c/o Brian Greene
1622 N. Lexington Street
Arlington VA 22205

If you would like to be a sponsor, please include your company name, description, and contact info including email. We will contact you for your corporate logo and additional information to be included on our website.

To dedicate your donation to a YHS Boys Lacrosse player, past or present, please include with your donation.